Satyam Tiwari

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Lekhny composition -23-Jan-2023

Wedding bells 

Wedding bells are ringing, flowers from the sky , showering embracing the bride. 
The moon , shining happily with a wide smile showing the way to the bridegroom. 
Wedding bells ringing, chours singing melodies, guests clapping with passion. 
Blessing river , flowing from the mouth and eyes of the elder. 
Wedding blessings ringing. 

Wedding blessings ringing, friend dancing on the tune of happiness. 
Joyous moment petals flowing in the air , moment vwitnessing the love to become 
New relationship, began for the future start sailing on the river. 
Wedding bells ringing and love about set flight in thr sky. 

Wedding blessings ringing, two lovers are waiting for one another. 
Hands shaking, shivering with nervousness as the last moment of bride 
For bride to be with parents , as last time to see mother her child. 
But a joyous moment, as her child is going on a new step and journey of life. 
Wedding blessings ringing and tears of joy and sadness flowing from eye


Gunjan Kamal

31-Jan-2023 05:28 AM

Nice πŸ‘πŸΌ



24-Jan-2023 03:06 PM



Abhinav ji

24-Jan-2023 08:27 AM

Very nice
